Frequently mentioned in Style Class, the Tibi Vocab is the Creative Pragmatist’s dictionary of styling terms and acronyms to remember in order to make dressing easier. Browse key selects that embody the terminology and study up in case there's a pop quiz.

Frequently mentioned in Style Class, the Tibi Vocab is the Creative Pragmatist’s dictionary of styling terms and acronyms to remember in order to make dressing easier. Browse key selects that embody the terminology and study up in case there's a pop quiz.

12 Mo’er

/twelv mo·er/
twelv mow·er

Why wear a single piece of clothing one month of the year, when you can sport it for all twelve? That is precisely our reasoning behind the 12 Mo’er concept. Equal parts functionality and style, a 12 Mo’er is your without-fail (WOF) piece that stands the test of time, earning a coveted spot in your closet 365 days a year with a cost-per-wear (CPW) that is certainly worth the investment.



Identifying your adjectives aids in the development of an enduring personal style narrative. Regardless of which end of the spectrum you lean towards—highly creative or more pragmatic—Chill, Modern and Classic (CMC) are the three adjectives used by all who share in our mindset to compose a well-balanced outfit.  

/bɪɡz ənd pɪɡz/
bɪgs and pigs

BIGS: Brights should always be in a fabrication that is either Icky, Glossy, or Sculptural

PIGS: Prints should always be in a fabrication that is either Icky, Glossy, or Sculptural

Big, Slim, Skin
/bɪɡ ˈslɪm ˈskɪn/
bɪg slɪm skɪn

Stylistically speaking, striking that just right balance between proportions is the secret sauce. It’s really that simple: mix something big with something slim, and show a bit of skin for breathing room, whether it’s a rolled-up sleeve or a flash of ankle. It’s not that all-big or all-slim is bad style, but it’s not your style; anything singular in point feels too superficial to you.

Chill, Mod·ern, Clas·sic
/CHil ˈmädərn ˈklasik/
chil maa·drn kla·suhk

A ratio used by the Creative Pragmatist to compose a well-balanced outfit. The ratio can be configured according to individual preferences, but a helpful application is when an outfit has one element of each; chill + modern + classic.  

Creative Pragmatist
/krēˈādiv ˈpragmədəst/
kree·ei·tuhv prag·muh·tuhst

An individual who values creativity and pragmatism in daily life applies both to their style choices. They thrive on personal expression and use fashion to express that creativity. In equal measure, the CP desires functionality, a real practicality in how clothing works in their wardrobe. When creativity and pragmatism are in balance, they feel most like themselves.  

Have to Have
/hav,(ə)v to͞o hav,(ə)v/
hav tuh have

You know it when you see it; the gratification is instant. A Have-to-Have is best equated to the garment or accessory that induces goosebumps while simultaneously tugging at your heartstrings. Although not wearable for every facet of life, it occupies a coveted spot in our closets, appealing to our emotions and reminding us why we fell in love with style.

In & Outs
/in and,(ə)n out/
uhn ahnd ow·ts

In and Outs are the seasonal wardrobe staples that makes us feel like our entire closet has been refreshed by their addition alone. While they allow for experimentation, easily pairing back to other items in our closet that speak to our DNA, we never feel in costume. We wear them for a season (or longer), retire them and resurface them when the time is right.  


While Chill, Modern and Classic (CMC) are the universal adjectives Creative Pragmatists use to identify their personal style, we use modifiers to further individualize our sartorial narratives. That ‘extra’ word that gives your personality and character a defining trait, your modifier is the tool that encourages self-expression, but never inhibits the desire for functionality.

One, Ton, or None
/wən tən nən/
wuhn tuhn nuhn

Creative Pragmatists constantly seek harmony between their highly unique sense of personal style and the versatility of the pieces they purchase to reflect it. To feel inspired, yet uncompromisingly ourselves, we refer to the foundational concept of One, Ton or None to curate a fluid style where the eye can rest. One pop of color gives focus where two pops can distract. Ironically, a full flood of colors creates calm. And conversely, the absence of color – through neutrals –ensures equilibrium is met.  

Play Din·ner Work
/plā ˈdinər wərk/
plei di·nr wurk

Styles that span across the three facets of our life—Play, Dinner, Work—are considered a Creative Pragmatist’s lifeline. We rely on them to rescue us from many a sartorial rut; the most loyal of closet companions. While not everything can be created with an eye towards this functionality, when a piece nails it, it’s worth noting and having.



Rule of 3
/ro͞ol əv THrē/
rool uhv three

Based on the idea that the human brain processes information through pattern recognition, the Latin principle "Omne Trium Perfectum" identifies three as the smallest number to complete a set. As Creative Pragmatists, we apply the same principle to outfit composition; when you have selected three key items, the destination has been reached.  

With·out Fails
/wəˈT͟Hout,wəˈTHout fāls/
wuh·thawt feils

Often likened to a confidante—that person who knows us better than we know our selves—WithOut Fails (WOFs) are just that: the pieces you turn to time after time because they inexplicably tell the story of who you are. Stylistically, when we’re unsure of where an outfit starts, how to elevate it or when to ground it, we refer back to our WOFs to connect the dots of our narrative thread.